Monday, July 24, 2017

Annnnnnnnd, we're off!

 Ravelry Project Page

So, I guess there's no better place to start than here. Jumping straight in....

I'm currently working a great pair of  Hermione's Everyday shorties with a double gusset in some of the faaaabulous Primrose yarn I got during the New York City trip at Brooklyn General Store.

I'm on my 9" Chiaogoos, and I love them. Nobody else I know loves these things. I love them.

I've been searching for my sock mojo. I've done double-points. I've done the magic loop (though it was on a gigantic cable, and I'm going to try a shorter one). Now, we're two-at-a-time on 9" circs. I love these damn things. I fly on them.

Can you tell I'm into orange? It's everywhere in my life in the moment. I made the little project bag, and am working on setting up a shop or some way of selling them. They really do make all the difference for those of us non-monogamous knitters.

I always have a few projects on the go, and these pretty little bags do a great job of corralling all of the materials without making my house look like craft-central. I'm LOVING the opportunity to be on fabric instead of fiber for a bit. It's been a while since I really got to play.

These particular socks are gifts, and I'm hoping to finish these babies up this week so that I can make a pair for myself. I've never really loved sock knitting, and it's my mission to find my jam. There are a million ways to knit up socks. ONE of those combinations is bound to be mine.

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